Sunday, May 03, 2009

Bloomsday - Spokane Style

The first Sunday of every May, Spokane plays host to one of the larger road races in the nation - The Lilac Bloomsday Run. Today was the 33rd running of Bloomsday, a 12K (7.46 mile) run. This year's entrants numbered about 52,000 on a chilly Northwest morning with overcast skies. I ran with my phone in a small runner's pack, so I was able to get a few clicks at the race.

Four of the Szym clan ran the race - Linda, Nate, and I started together in the green section, where as Titus ran with his buddy Joe and started out with the yellow crowd (as in, faster). Levi stayed home and kept his bed warm, while Ming Mei spent the morning (and the prvevious night) at Aunt Cindy's. For a little more on Bloomsday, check out the official site:

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