Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Arrival of Ming Mei

The moment finally came, and it was wonderful. I won't spend too many words on it tonight. I'll share a number of pictures with you, and take the time tomorrow to tell more about the event.

First hug from Mommy at the Jiangxi Civil Affairs Building where we picked up Ming.

First hug from Daddy at the Civil Affairs Bldg.

First hug from big brother Levi...and a VERY curious look.

There were a few tears from Ming and all the other three babies when they were given to their new parents. At one point they were all wailing quite loudly. It seemed that one would start and get the other couple going. We were all crammed into an elevator when departing the Civil Affairs Building, and all the babies were crying at the top of their lungs. It was quite comical.

Here's a location where I have posted a bunch of other photos of Ming, and a few of the other babies with their families: You should be able to click on the link to the right and also access these additional photos. You'll notice that Ming is hanging onto a little blue identification card in most of the photos. She would not let go of sense is that it was her one piece of security in the midst of this crazy evening. As you'll see, she even fell asleep holding it. For some odd reason, I really liked that bit of tenacity she showed us.

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