Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Big Purple Chair

OK, I'll give you three guesses to figure out where Princess Ming Mei is sitting...and the first two don't count.

Starbucks! One thing that Daddy and Ming enjoy doing is going to Starbucks so we can give Mommy a break. I get my iced coffee while Ming sits in the Big Purple Chair enjoying Cheerios, grapes, and whatever else Dad packs for her. You can just imagine the kind of attention she gets sitting there as if she doesn't have a care in the world.
Ming is smiling a whole lot more these days. She has this magic, disappearing act that she performs while smiling - when grinning and showing off those teeth of hers, her eyes disappear!
We're experimenting with names these days...Sometimes we call her Ming; sometimes Ming Mei; sometimes Mei Mei (which means 'little sister' in Chinese); Sometimes Baby Ming; the boys like calling her Ming-a-ling (thank you, Aunt Cindy, for that dubious designation). And we still occasionally call he Guo-Guo (gwah-gwah), which is how the nannies in the Orphanage addressed her. Whatever we call her, she is one special little girl.

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