Wednesday, August 23, 2006

One Week Today

Our little girl has slept through the night for three nights in row now. Yahoo, we're on a roll now! It's hard to believe that Ming has only been home in Spokane with us for a week today. It certainly seems a lot longer than that. She's making a lot of progress. For starters...
-She lets Grandma S. put a red funnel on her head :-)
-She points at Joe the dog and says 'uhhh!' (her baby word for just about everything). Just a couple of days ago I was holding her by Joe on the floor and he came up and nosed her in the the nose...that creeped her out pretty good, but generally she's not nearly as frightened of Joe as she was on Day One.
-She'll sit on the floor and play without having to be held by Mommy or Daddy
-She tolerates all the passing around from brother to brother to brother.
-She has been quite good about being strapped in a car seat and going for a ride in the car.
Tonight I was honored to have dinner with a couple who are in the process of adopting from China and are also teaming with Kathy Storro from Small World Adoptions. It was fun to relive some of the Szym. Family China adventures for their benefit. Their paperwork was "logged in" last month so they are where we were for about a year as we waited to get our referral, then our travel approval, then our precious baby Ming. It seemed like forever at the time, and now that waiting period seems like nothing compared to the feeling of having this Special Little Gift in our lives. Thanks Tom and Katie (and Ralph and Rita) for letting me blabber on about our experience and joy. I am genuinely excited for your day in China.
There is nothing like a little girl giggle to make your day brighter!

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