Friday, August 11, 2006

A Plane Ride, New Digs, And A Chinese Gymnast

First, the part about gymnast...wowsers, is that girl flexible, or what?! Ming loves laying on the bed and pulling her feet up to her forehead. It is humorous to watch.
We're now in Guangzhou, Guangdong PR China. Our home for the next few days is the White Swan Hotel. This place is pretty nice. They clearn caterly to internationals and wealthy Chinese, and it is the main hangout for Americans who adopt babies and have to finalize their paperwork at the American Consulate here in China. In fact, the Embassy is just a short walk from the hotel. Our room is very comfortable. Not big by any means, but luxurious in many ways.

Tonight we walked down the street to Lucy's Bar and Restaurant. Lucy's serves western food, so we enjoyed quesadillas, fries, and cheese sandwiches. It was a pleasant change from all the Chinese food we've been eating.
Ming's first plane ride went very smoothly. She munched on some Cheerios, hung out on Mommy's lap, and studied the airplane safety card for a long time. No crying, nor apparent ear problems.

She's now had a shower with Mommy and she's in her crib trying to fall asleep. She's got a little bit of that fake cry thing going on right now, but she's had a big day so I suspect she is more wound up than usual. I'm sure she will nod off soon. G'night from Guangzhou...

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